The Dragon
Atop a hill a little village stood
Surrounded all sides by a dense wood
They thought they were safe from marauding beasts
Which frequented other villages, North, South and East

Then one day from the seas of the west
Came a new menace which caused much unrest
With wings of unimaginable size
From the horizon did this great beast rise

It swept over the villagers who panicked and ran
And the dragon picked off every last man
But dissatisfied and and craving for more
Back into the wind its mighty wings tore

For many years it created havoc throughout the land
And the people, too divided, could take no stand
But finally, its great hunger sated,
It went back from whence it came, at last placated

The terrible tension throughout the land eased
And because the dragon was finally appeased
Over many years the threat changed to myth
A mere story to scare children with

But through their simple, unchanging existence
An undercurrent of fear remained with persistance
On dark nights their thoughts turned to the West
From where the beast of terror may again manifest.

Andrea Baldwin

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Graphics by Lady Dj
