Featured Poem
September 15 - September 27, 1998
Janet's poems often make my heart glow with pleasure and delight; this one, surely, is no exception in that respect. Many a time I have seen my own feelings as if reflected in the mirror of her poetry!

Only Dreamed
I held you in my arms last night
In case you didn't know
I climbed into my bed alone
My mind knew where to go

I touched your smiling lips last night
Caressed your flushing cheek
Kissed your sleeping forehead
Of nothing did we speak

I came to your strong arms last night
So gentle and so warm
I knew that if I stayed with you
That I'd come to no harm

I held you in my heart last night
At least that's how it seemed
And then the sun rose in the sky
I knew I'd only dreamed.

Janet Mifsud

Janet Mifsud is a sweet woman whose wit and thoughtfulness touched me more than once. I have met her in the Poetry room at The Park; often, she helped me solve my inner conflicts and made me believe in myself.
 More poems by Janet Mifsud.


Graphics by Lady Dj

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