Featured Poem
October 26 - November 6, 1998
It's really amazing how much good poetry one may find in an online chat room! "Surrounding Me", although not exactly written in such a style that I would call my favorite, captured me at once. Very soulful and rather uncommon, it is a pearl that I could not quite miss. Thank you, Christina!

Surrounding Me
Hidden below as I gaze off the cliff
All the mysteries of the world
Purple haze upon the horizon
Pinkish hue cliffs drop right below me
The expanse of the ocean is neverending
The road is winding, steep
All the beauty of the place 
Is captured in all but my iris

Sitting upon the green mountain top
I think of the one other beauty in my life
The one with the dark hair and pale green eyes
The one who kisses me so completely
The one that holds me so tightly
It seems as though you are a figment of my imagination
All the beauty of you
Is captured in all but my iris

No beauty can comapare to the one in my heart
A heart who is filled with you
It shines as bright as the sun 
It is as high as a moutain
Endless as the clear blue ocean
You are love infinite
All the beauty of life
Is captured in all of me...

Christina Jean Young


Graphics by Lady Dj

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