Featured Poem
July 15 - September 6, 1999
This is a poem I have received through e-mail, actually the first poem really submitted to be featured. Love is a favorite subject of mine, and this piece of poetry is a fine tribute to this beauty feeling; the explanation which comes with it makes the whole story the more genuine.
Hearts entwined in each other, embrace,
Souls united forever more.
Full of joy and grace,
Like a bird on wing, will soar.

Rising high as on a wave,
Never again should I fall.
Just a sigh, Oh so naive,
Never to let it pall.

Time to laugh and shout,
Living life to the fullest.
Searching all about,
Ending hearts yearning quest.

Innocent as it seems,
Depths of passion untold.
Purest of souls gleem,
With hearts oh, so bold.

To cherish such a heart,
More precious than a dove.
Never should I part,
With such treasure as your

Richard Howland, Jr.
© 1994 - Note from the author:
"Here's one I wrote for my wife two weeks after we first met. Wrote it for her inside a Valentines card and then for her birthday, I spent 100 hours doing it freehand in cross stich for her birthday later the same year. The year after, we were married September 23rd." (The Briggsville)
Graphics by Lady Dj
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